InThe StartupbyMallika KamatHow to Use a Bullet Journal for AccountabilityKnow thy time and manage thyself.Dec 9, 2021Dec 9, 2021
InAscent PublicationbyMallika KamatBullet Journal Setup to Achieve Your GoalsI need to finish my debut novel & this is how I’ll do it.Jan 17, 20201Jan 17, 20201
InThe Writer’s JournalbyMallika KamatBullet Journal Setup to Build the Writing HabitThis is the system I’m using for the herculean task of writing and editing my novel, while building a strong self-care foundation.Sep 5, 20202Sep 5, 20202
InThe Writer’s JournalbyMallika KamatBullet Journal Setup for WritersI haven’t written much this year and we all need an accountability system sometimes.Mar 3, 20213Mar 3, 20213
InThe Writer’s JournalbyMallika KamatBullet Journal Setup for Self Care SeptemberCreativity and productivity are fuelled by rest.Sep 3, 20211Sep 3, 20211